o mar do poeta

o mar do poeta

o mar do poeta

o mar do poeta

domingo, dezembro 25


O centro de Bangkok, como sempre, bem decorado na época de Natal e este ano não foi excepção.

Na antiga capital do  Reino, Ayuttaya, o Pai Natal esteve presente na forma de elefante

An An AnNazzzzzzzzzzzzAn elephant dressed as Santa Claus hands out presents to students at a school in Ayutthaya Friday. The event is held every year to maNark the festive season and promote tourism in the ancient city.  elNaephant dressed as Santa Claus hands out presents to students at a school in Ayutthaya Friday.Na  The event is held every year to mark the festive season and promote tourism in the ancient city. elephant dressed as Santa Claus hands out presents to students at a school in Ayutthaya Friday. The event is held every year to mark the festive season and promote tourism in the ancient city. elephAn elephant dressed as Santa Claus hands out presents to students at a school in Ayutthaya Friday. The event is held every year to mark the festive season and promote tourism in the ancient city. ant dressed as Santa Claus hands out presents to students at a school in Ayutthaya Friday. The event iAn elephant dressed as Santa Claus hands out presents to students at a school in Ayutthaya Friday. The event is held every year to mark the festive season and promote tourism in the ancient city. s held every year to mark the festive season and promote tourism in the ancient city.

Um comentário:

Irene Fernandes Abreu disse...

Ainda não foi desta que assistimos a um Natal na Tailandia. Pelas fotos deve ser em grande... Continuação de BOAS FESTAS e que continue a manter essa sua excelente boa disposição e alegria de viver.
Receba um grande abraço nosso!