O prato principal, com variedades de carnes, camarões e alguns vegetais
Um prato de bacon
Um prato de fígado de porco
As filhas do articulista aguardando que as carnes ficassem grelhadas
A tesoura serve para cortar as carnes depois de gtrelhadas
O articulista e sua esposa
Este belo almoço regado com uma cerveja e algumas gasosas, ficou por 1 249 baths ou sejam 31,25 Euros
Ainda aproveitamos para tirar uma foto em 3D, que ficou gravada num pisa papeis em cristal.
Depois de feitas mais algumas compras no sortido e recheado supermercado seguimos para o hotel.
E, já no hotel, vendo o noticiário local, ficou o articulista a saber que tinham sido presos três individuos de nacionalidade portuguesa, todos eles de origem africana, que se encontrava envolvidos com redes de mafiosos locais e tinham já enganado várias pessoas, e sacado uns milhóes de baths.
O articulista pode ver que os passaportes portugueses tinham sido emitidos em Faro.
E desta forma se passou a última noite no hotel, e como na noite anterior, não foi ligado o aprelho de ar condicionado, devido ao barulho que produzia.
Sobre este assunto, o articulista respondeu à companhia Asiawebdirect, dos quais mereceu a seguinte resposta.
Asia Web Direct - Client Service feedback@asiawebdirect.com
Greetings from Asia Web Direct
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey and providing us with direct feedback and comments regarding the hotel services and our online booking services.
Through direct feedback from our valued clients and your honest comments can we strive to provide and exceed your expectations in both service and online booking experience
I am sorry to see from the responses that your experience with the hotel was not as per your expectations.
Dear Friends,
Through your prestigious company did the marking on the Jomtien Plaza Residence, Family Suite.
When did chek me in I was given room 408, but after 10 minutes and from there I have installed, I requested that I be given another moment how due to the infernal noise of air conditioners.
I went to room 308, but the noise of air conditioning, though with less intensity, led me to not use them.
Second, the bathroom was not the best, the rooms did not have banquinhas bedside.
The site is not the most advisable, since the entry is not the best and stay away from car parks, which led us to bear with all the baggage.
The space quartro this was rather broad and the rest of the service left much to be desired.
Most guests were Russian or Chinese.
I honestly did not like.
Your comments have been noted and passed on to the hotel for review and for their action for improvement by the management team.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for using Asia Web Direct as your online booking agent and look forward to assisting you again in the future with your world wide travel arrangements.