Martabao (Martaban): (16°32'N - 97°36'E)
Subrahmanyam "Improvising Empire - Portuguese trade and settlements in the Bay of Bengal 1500 - 1700" or ""Comercio e conflito - A presença Portuguesa no Golfo de Bengala 1500 - 1700"
Tenasserim: (12°06'N - 98°56'E) wooden fort on a hill near the port of Tenasserim
According to L.F.Thomaz "L' ambassade de 1521" in Bouchon e Thomaz "Voyage dans le Deltas du Gange et de l' Irrawady: relation Portugaise Anonyme 1521" and Subrahmanyam "Improvising Empire - Portuguese trade and settlements in the Bay of Bengal 1500 - 1700" or ""Comercio e conflito - A presença Portuguesa no Golfo de Bengala 1500 - 1700"
*It's probable that this fort wasn't built by the Portuguese. Joao de Barros em "Da Asia"Dec. III ,Liv. VIII ,Cap.II ,p.256 / 7
Siriao (Syriam): (16°46'N - 96°14'E) Fortaleza de Santiago do Siriao
Campos "History of the Portuguese in Bengal"
Diffie-Winius "Foundation of the Portuguese empire 1415-1580"
Guedes "Interferencia e integraçaodos Portugueses na Birmania 1580-1630"
Patane (Pattani): (06°52'N - 101°15'E)
Conceiçao Flores "Os Portugueses o o Siao no seculo XVI"
Ilha de Choro (island in the Mekong river): fort ?
In Jan. 1598 the King of Cambodia give to the Portuguese Captain Diogo Veloso, the "Ilha de Choro do Mar do Rio de Prequelapo ate a ponta de Troi Polon" to build a fortress in the name of the King of Portugal.
Subrahmanyam "Improvising Empire - Portuguese trade and settlements in the Bay of Bengal 1500 - 1700" or ""Comercio e conflito - A presença Portuguesa no Golfo de Bengala 1500 - 1700"
Conceiçao Flores "Os Portugueses o o Siao no seculo XVI"
Faifo (Hoi An): (15°53'N - 108°20'E)
Malacca or Malaca: (02°12'N - 102°15'E) Fortaleza a Famosa (1511) (Courassa or S. Pedro, St. Domingos, Santhiago, Madre de Deos, As Virgines bastions)
Ilha das Naus or Naos (near Malacca): (02°11'N - 102°15'E)
Irwin G.W. "Melaka Fort"
Muar: (02°03'N - 102°34'E) Fortaleza de Muar (1604)
Pacem or Passumah (Puuek, Sumatra Island): (05°09'N - 97°14'E)
Gaspar Correia "Lendas da India" Tomo II ,Parte II ,pp.795
* 1523 Conceiçao Flores "Os Portugueses o o Siao no seculo XVI"
Makassar (Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi Island): (05°08'S - 119°24'E)
Tidore (Tidore Island): (00°41'N - 127°22'E) Fortaleza dos Reis Magos (1578)
Hanna Des Alwi "Turbulent times past in Ternate and Tidore"
Jacobs "The Portuguese town of Ambon 1576-1605" in II Seminario de Historia Indo-Portuguesa"
*The Spaniards had several forts in the island of Tidore: Tohula, Rume, Sokanora, Marieko, Tomanira, Cobo, the old Portuguese fort. Source: Marco Ramerini "Spanish presence in the Moluccas, 1606-1663" unpublished research.
Ternate (Ternate Island): (00°45'N - 127°20'E) Fortaleza de Sao Joao Baptista or Castelo Gammalamma (1522)
to the Ternateans (1575 - Apr. 1606)
**In Ternate the Spaniards occupied the Gammalamma Castle and Fort Don Pedro (Ciudad Nuestra Señora del Rosario), San Francisco Calomata and Fort San Pedro y Pablo Source: Marco Ramerini "Spanish presence in the Moluccas, 1606-1663" unpublished research.
***In Ternate the Dutch built the Fort Malayo or Fort Orange.
Hanna Des Alwi "Turbulent times past in Ternate and Tidore"
Jacobs "The Portuguese town of Ambon 1576-1605" in II Seminario de Historia Indo-Portuguesa"
Batjan (Bacan island):
Hanna Des Alwi "Turbulent times past in Ternate and Tidore"
Amboina or Amboino (Kota Ambon, Ambon Island): (03°42'S - 128°10'E) Fortaleza da Nossa Senhora da Annunciada (1576)
Jacobs "The Portuguese town of Ambon 1576-1605" in II Seminario de Historia Indo-Portuguesa"
Banda (Banda Islands): (04°32'S - 129°53'E)
Solor (Lohajong or Lawayong, Solor Island): (08°27'S - 123°04'E) Fort with five stone bastions
abandoned (1615 ? - 1618)
abandoned (1629/30)
Leitao "Os Portugueses em Solor e Timor de 1515 a 1702"
Villiers "The Dominican Mission and the sandalwood.."
Ende (Ende Minor Island): (08°53'S - 121°32'E)
Leitao "Os Portugueses em Solor e Timor de 1515 a 1702"
Villiers "The Dominican Mission and the sandalwood.."
Larantuka (Flores Island): (08°21'S - 122°59'E) fort
Leitao "Os Portugueses em Solor e Timor de 1515 a 1702"
Villiers "The Dominican Mission and the sandalwood.."
De Castro "As possessoes Portuguezas na Oceania"
Sicca (Sikka or Sika, Flores Island): (08°44'S - 122°11'E)
De Castro "As possessoes Portuguezas na Oceania"
Paga (Flores Island): (08°46'S - 122°02'E)
De Castro "As possessoes Portuguezas na Oceania"
Wouré (Wurek, Adonara Island):
De Castro "As possessoes Portuguezas na Oceania"
Pomang Kaju (Pamakajo, Solor Island): (08°26'S - 122°58'E) circa
De Castro "As possessoes Portuguezas na Oceania"
Cupao or Cupang (Kupang, Timor Island): (10°10'S - 123°35'E)
Leitao "Os Portugueses em Solor e Timor de 1515 a 1702"
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